Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Personal Trainers

I never really understood the benefit of personal trainers until I finally went to one... I used to think... oh it's just someone who you're paying to make you workout... I realized that no that's not how it is at all. You're paying someone to share with you their expertise in how the human body works, how YOUR body works, how to properly make use of all of your muscles, and how to do it safely so you don't injure yourself. You get to have an outsiders view on what you're doing wrong with your workouts, and how to fix it. And oh god, my everything hurts. Workouts, where you use proper form are ~no joke~.
 If you're looking for a good personal trainer, there is an ad on the right there for Drew Mossman, he's an excellent trainer, I've been to him a few times now and I've never once left a workout disappointed.  He is based in Ohio, so keep that in mind.

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